Each month Grimes Chamber & Economic Development gives its members the opportunity to meet for networking, lunch and to learn about items of interest regarding Grimes and the Metro area. You are invited to join us on the second Wednesday of the month to attend these events.
Today's speaker will be Catch Des Moines, who will be catching us up on what is going on in the Metro! You don't want to miss out!!
Join us for a race around the track FOR FREE after lunch!
Catered by: Destination Grille
If you register for this event and plan on taking part in the meal, please be in attendance or let us know beforehand if you cannot attend.
Those who register for this event that plan on eating who do not attend will be invoiced.
NOTICE: There has been an increase in price for our Lunch & Learns! We thank you for your continued support of our Events!

Date and Time
Wednesday May 10, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Wednesday, May 10th
11:30am - 1:00pm
Pole Position Raceway
1350 SE Gateway Dr. #108
Grimes, IA 50111
$20.00 for GCED Members
$25.00 for Non-Members and Walk-ins
$10.00 for attending but no lunch